In the world of customer and employee experience, there’s a constant hum of change, a gradual evolution. But every so often, a seismic shift emerges to challenge the status quo and demand that businesses adapt — fast. Some of these recent shifts include the global COVID-19 pandemic and the rising tidal wave of artificial intelligence (AI). In these pivotal moments, while most organizations tread carefully, gauging their next move, a few forward-thinking pioneers are already stepping boldly ahead.

These trailblazers aren’t just navigating the changes; they’re actively orchestrating real innovations in customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX). They’re anticipating what’s next and ensuring that, when the ground shakes, they’ll remain steady and future ready.

As they navigate their way across unstable terrain with remarkable poise, these CX and EX leaders inspire other organizations to carve their own unique paths. Their actions and insights reveal how to turn challenges into opportunities for reinvention and growth. They demonstrate that being prepared for change isn’t just about resilience. It’s also about fearlessly leaning forward — ready to embrace whatever is next.

Meet the trendsetters

Transforming customer journeys for deepened loyalty

Electrolux Group revolutionized its approach to customer interactions with a strategic integration of the Genesys Cloud™ platform with Google Cloud and SAP. This fusion — benefitting from Genesys AI features, such as Agent Assist and Predictive Engagement — enabled the company to craft seamless consumer journeys across multiple channels, focusing on personalized and empathetic engagements to strengthen brand loyalty.

Every touchpoint is an opportunity: Leveraging data for loyalty

At a glance

Customer: Electrolux Group
Industry: Home appliances
Location: Sweden and global operations Contact center: 150 to 1,000 agents


  • 25% reduction in AHT, enhancing operational efficiency
  • Significant improvements in FCR and NPS
  • Increased employee satisfaction due to efficient, AI-enhanced support tools
  • Over 75% success rate in bot intent recognition, streamlining customer self-service
  • 25% reduction in AHT, enhancing operational efficiency
  • Significant improvements in FCR and NPS
  • Increased employee satisfaction due to efficient, AI-enhanced support tools
  • Over 75% success rate in bot intent recognition, streamlining customer self-service

Evolving to data-driven care centers

The transformation at Electrolux Group extended beyond technology; it reshaped its contact centers into customer-care centers. The initiative streamlined customer service across all channels, resulting in a notable boost in first-contact resolution (FCR) and Net Promoter Score (NPS). These metrics underscore the success of its data-driven approach — deepening customer trust and enhancing the overall experience.

Empowering agents, elevating experiences

The transformation positively impacted its employee experience. Agents, now equipped with better tools and integrated systems, reported a significant increase in job satisfaction. The intuitive and efficient design of Genesys Cloud reduced operational frustrations, allowing agents to deliver superior customer support.

The Electrolux Group journey highlights the power of leveraging data at every customer interaction to create smoother, more personalized journeys — forging deeper loyalty. Its forward-thinking strategy for CX management sets a benchmark for others in the industry.

Explore how Electrolux Group approaches CX →

Reimagining public service with AI-driven efficiency

Somerset Council, covering one of England’s largest counties, faced the challenge of unifying public services delivered by five separate local government authorities. Its goal was to create a single digital front door for all residents, streamlining access to key public services.

Beyond automation: Using AI for unparalleled insight

At a glance

Customer: Somerset Council
Industry: Government
Location: UK
Contact center: Around 200 concurrent users


  • Fragmented approach with multiple local government authorities
  • Confusing IVR menus leading to high abandonment rates and slow call routing
  • Inconsistent customer experiences across public service sectors
  • 50% reduction in abandoned calls, enhancing customer satisfaction
  • 47% faster call routing, improving operational efficiency
  • Above-target customer satisfaction ratings, reflecting a streamlined customer journey

AI-powered transformation for enhanced services

Consolidation onto the Genesys Cloud platform marked a significant move toward efficiency. Nine digital assistants, powered by AI voicebots native to Genesys Cloud, replaced obsolete IVR systems. This move cut abandonment rates in half and accelerated customer routing by 47% — showcasing the transformative impact AI can have on CX.

Unified vision for seamless service delivery

This strategic integration not only improved the speed and accuracy of service delivery but also offered a unified vision for public service. The result was a 50% reduction in abandoned calls and 90% accurate call routing, proving the power of AI to streamline every interaction in the public sector.

The Somerset Council journey highlights the pivotal role of AI in redefining public service delivery. By embracing innovative technology, they’ve not only improved the efficiency of their services but have also set a precedent for future public sector transformations. This story stands as a clear example of how AI can be the lens through which unparalleled customer insights and service enhancements are realized.

Explore AI-driven public services at Somerset Council →

Revolutionizing IT service delivery

Unisys, a global technology solutions provider, manages a vast network of IT services, supporting 20 million contacts annually. Using Genesys Cloud, Unisys offers a range of support channels — from Microsoft Teams to voice and email — all managed by agents efficiently through a single desktop interface.

Orchestrating the future: Creating agile tech transitions

At a glance

Customer: Unisys
Industry: IT services
Location: Global
Contact center: Thousands of agents


  • Multiple legacy platforms leading to disjointed IT service delivery
  • Need for unified, efficient customer support channels
  • Enhancing employee engagement and streamlining user support
  • Unified seven legacy systems into one
  • Integrated AI-driven Agent Assist from Genesys for accelerated and accurate contact handling
  • Seamlessly merged diverse communication channels, enhancing both customer and agent experiences

Innovative integration and streamlined solutions

Faced with fragmented service delivery, Unisys embarked on a mission to unify its IT solutions. Its 24/7 help desk, a testament to its commitment to reliability, demanded a streamlined approach to enhance customer and employee experiences.

With remarkable efficiency, Unisys consolidated seven legacy platforms into Genesys Cloud. This strategic move not only streamlined operations but also empowered the enterprise to focus on elevating both customer and agent experiences, backed by AI-powered proactive tools.

A future of agile tech transitions

The transformation, completed in under five months, demonstrates how global enterprises can still make relatively quick, agile tech transitions. Unisys achieved a seamless integration of various communication channels, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction. And the deployment of the Agent Assist solution from Genesys redefined contact handling, illustrating how proactive AI integration can get rapid results.

Enhanced by AI capabilities, the new Unisys contact center system reduced response times and optimized automated resolutions, significantly improving customer interaction quality and employee engagement.

Discover more about the Unisys journey with Genesys →

Revolutionizing contact centers for resilient growth

During the pandemic, GSG faced the twin challenges of managing increased call volumes and sustaining business growth. Upgrading to Genesys Cloud 3 with native workforce engagement management (WEM) capabilities proved transformative, enhancing employee satisfaction and operational efficiency — essential for navigating these unprecedented times.

Centers of revolution: Reimagining the contact center

At a glance

Customer: Graphic Solutions Group (GSG) Industry: Printing and graphics
Location: US
Contact center: Around 60 users


  • High call volumes and rapid growth during the pandemic
  • Potential 95% sales revenue loss due to a system crash
  • Need to improve service levels and drive growth
  • Successfully managed call volumes and growth with Genesys Cloud and workforce engagement management
  • Prevented significant sales revenue loss during a system crash
  • Achieved an 87.5% service-level improvement and a 32% revenue surge, while reducing hiring costs

Robust infrastructure for business continuity

Its resilient infrastructure with Genesys Cloud was crucial in averting a potential 95% loss in sales revenue during a system crash. This demonstrated the vital role of reliable and robust contact center systems in maintaining business continuity under extreme conditions.

Driving business success with strategic innovation

Its innovative approach led to remarkable improvements, including an 87.5% increase in service levels and a 32% boost in revenue, alongside significant savings in hiring costs. These achievements highlight the modern contact center’s evolving role as a pivotal orchestration engine of business growth and continued success.

Moreover, its experience with Genesys Cloud exemplifies the power of modern contact center solutions to help ensure business resilience in the face of unpredictable conditions. The GSG journey highlights the strategic importance of embracing innovative technology, not only to surmount challenges but also to seize new opportunities as they arise.

Discover more about the GSG journey with Genesys →

Empowering survivors with agile solutions

The National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) offers critical support for survivors of relationship abuse. Facing the challenges of a global pandemic, The Hotline rapidly transitioned to a fully remote operation using Genesys Cloud — maintaining essential 24/7 service. This swift adaptability underlines the agility needed in today’s rapidly changing environment.

Crafting synergy: Where CX meets EX

At a glance

Customer: The National Domestic Violence Hotline Industry: Nonprofit support services
Location: US
Contact center: Around 160 agents


  • Transitioning to remote work during a global pandemic while maintaining 24/7 service availability
  • Managing growing contact volumes and ensuring efficient use of limited resources
  • Balancing the increased demand for digital communication options with the need for safe and private support
  • Rapid transition to remote operations in just three days, ensuring uninterrupted support
  • Use of voicebots and chatbots reduced average call time by over a minute, enabling support to more survivors
  • Efficient use of AI, leading to an improved user experience and more effective resource allocation

Innovating for enhanced support

Strategic employment of AI-driven voicebots and chatbots has transformed service delivery for The Hotline. These tools provide survivors with quicker and safer communication options, essential in crisis intervention. The use of AI not only enhanced the user experience but also ensured its limited resources were used more effectively, demonstrating the power of unified CX and EX strategies.

Crafting synergy in support services

The Hotline approach to integrating its CX and EX exemplifies its commitment to both service efficiency and empathetic support. By integrating advanced AI tools, it created a seamless synergy between its remote workforce and the survivors it assists. This synergy not only streamlined its operational processes but also deepened the impact of its support, proving that a thoughtful tech strategy can truly revolutionize the nature of critical support services.

The Hotline story is a testament to the transformative impact of agile technology in a mission-critical environment. By embracing innovative solutions, The Hotline has not only adapted to the challenges of remote operations but also enhanced its capacity to support the survivors who need it.

Learn more about The Hotline approach to survivor support →

Chart your own clear course forward — to 2030 and beyond

In this dynamic era, where the very foundations of customer engagement are being redefined, your organization needs to be ready for anything. The business landscape ahead may be shrouded in uncertainty, but that very ambiguity is also creating a wide-open opportunity for innovation and strategic foresight to shine through. The trendsetters we’ve highlighted are not passive responders to change — they’re among its architects, actively shaping the future of business operations and customer care.

These pioneers demonstrate that evolving market conditions require more than just quick reactions; rather, they call for a proactive evolution of technologies and a rethinking of the ways organizations relate to their customers and employees.

Such transformations require a reliable foundation, and the leading all-in-one experience orchestration platform, Genesys Cloud, provides the building blocks for success. Easy integrations, seamless data flow, flexible pricing and continuous updates empower organizations like yours to remain a step ahead in a continually changing business landscape.

Discover how your organization can use Genesys Cloud to become a leader at the vanguard of customer and employee experience — starting today.

Contact us to learn more →

The 18th annual Customer Innovation Awards

Each year, Genesys hosts its annual Customer Innovation Awards, showcasing leading brands across the healthcare, banking, travel, government, publishing and technology industries.

The awards recognize innovative organizations of all sizes for demonstrably transforming their customer and employee experiences with AI, cloud and digital technologies.

Read about the latest award winners →

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